About Me

I am a qualified Reflexologist, Maternity and Fertility Reflexologist and Baby Reflexologist with an ABC level 3 diploma in Reflexology from the Phoenix Health and Beauty School, Chelmsford. I am a fully accredited member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR), Association of Reflexologists (AoR), one of the regulatory bodies for Reflexology that maintains standards and works to develop reflexology practice.

In 2003 I qualified from the University of Nottingham with a 2:1 Masters Degree with honours in Mental Health Nursing (RMHN). I have always had an interest in complementary therapies - exploring the use of aromatherapy massage on well-being for my masters dissertation. Prior to my reflexology training I had little knowledge of this therapy, however since that time I now believe that reflexology may have many benefits to all people, even those who feel "well". From my experience reflexology is a gentle, but thorough complementary therapy that is non-intrusive and nurturing to the soul. I feel that it works well in conjunction with conventional medicine, with other therapies such as acupuncture or homeopathy, or on its own.

Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology and Baby Reflexology are holistic therapies and treatment is individually tailored and adapted according to need.